FY19 DMCA 14A Revetment Repair Savannah Harbor
DMACA 14A Revetment Repairs at Savannah Harbor consisted of an estimated length of rock resentment installation of approximately 600ft. The revetment was graded granite no. 4 aggregate, intermediate stone GDOT typed one, and armor stone placed to a top elevation of +13 mean lower low watered (MLLW). The design wave height was 6.5 feet. The base project included approximately 2,175 tons of bedding stone, 2,700 tons of intermediate stone, and 7,500 tons of armor stone. The new rock revetment placed had to tie into any adjacent or existing sections of the previously placed revetment smoothly and uniformly.
The project also incorporated the protection and restoration planting of existing shoreline marsh areas where damaged by construction outside of the construction footprint, coordination with the savannah district for erosion control, staging areas required to perform the work, coordination of stockpile areas for rock or other protection materials, maintenance of onsite access routes, and all other requirements necessary to complete the project.